Choose the Best Trustee With This Trust Structure
Attorney Stuart Green outlines how to choose the best trustee for your irrevocable trust or Domestic Asset Protection Trust. Anyone, regardless of the jurisdiction you live in, can take advantage of South Dakota's trust laws. With the South Dakota trust structure, you have the ability to divide the trust responsibilities, ensuring you pick the best person for each role. The roles inside the trust are Trust Protector, Administrative Trustee, Distribution Advisors, and Investment Advisor.
Privacy for Your Estate and Trust Planning
Attorney Stuart Green talks about privacy for your estate and trust planning. There are several reasons why privacy might be a top priority for you. In this video, you will learn essential tips for keeping your information secure and ensuring your estate remains private. While a Revocable Living Trust can help you avoid probate, your information could still become public. A Domestic Protection Asset Trust (DAPT) or an Irrevocable Trust might be the right option if confidentiality is important to you.
Why Courts Won’t Uphold Domestic Asset Protection Trusts
Attorney Stuart Green details the top reason why Domestic Asset Protection Trusts fail. In this video, you will learn why the courts may not uphold a Domestic Asset Protection Trust
#1 Reason Revocable Living Trusts Fail to Avoid Probate!
Attorney Stuart Green explains the number one reason Revocable Living Trusts fail to keep you out of probate. Many people assume their trust is set up correctly, but a crucial mistake can cause it to be ineffective. In this video, Stuart, breaks down what can go wrong and how to ensure your trust is structured correctly to protect your assets from going through probate.
Revocable Living Trust or Irrevocable Trust: Asset Protection?
Attorney Stuart Green details a common misconception about asset protection and revocable living trusts. The level of protection you receive depends significantly on the type of trust you establish. This video clarifies the key differences between the asset protection offered by an irrevocable trust versus a revocable living trust.
Top 5 Duties of Trustees in 2025
Attorney Stuart Green talks about the critical duties of a trustee:
When setting up an a trust, whether revocable or irrevocable, there are the 5 duties a trustee will need to preform. Knowing the trustee's responsibilities will give you a deeper understanding on who you should pick for your trustee.
Never Put These Assets In Your Trust!
Attorney Stuart Green details which assets should be excluded from both revocable and irrevocable trusts and the reasons why.
The Taxation of Trusts: Grantor Trusts vs. Non-Grantor Trusts
Attorney Stuart Green explains how trusts are taxed. In this video you will learn about the two main types of trusts which are grantor and non-grantor trusts.